Friday, January 18, 2008

!! Making Dreamz Come True !!

I must say that Life sometimes hit you with sorrow that seems unbareable and you may feel like you will never be given a chance to stand up again and make it past the pain, but I beg the differ. Even through what we may see as tragedies there is always something working out and someone working behind the scenes on our behalf. I know that my secret helper is no secret at all..... He is the Creater Of All!!! There are many special people that I love dearly that have helped me along the way from my family, teachers, friends, coworkers, professors and other RCC faculty. I can't list them all but you will hear about them as time goes on. Making Dreams come true is not only about my own but that of others as well. The dreams of others are very essential to all that I do. If there is anyway I can help I most definietely will. I am here to display my thoughts on various issues that I believe needs to be addressed. I am passionate about the youth and the path they may take.Life is more than materialistic items but extends to the influence and change that you make while you are here that truly matters. Here with positive, motivating, and informative words I am here for you!! The people that I will be fearturing are people that share my passion and in some way, shape, or form has made an impact on my life.
Exploring the world, I am ready to make Dreamz Come True!

1 comment:

Ms.Eclectic said...

that is right pineapple, im so proud, soon you'll have pics and everything, oh my gosh Im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!