Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy MLK Day Celebrating Legacy: Remembering a Man's Works and Words!!

Today, for many may just be another day off of school and or work or just a day that the federal government chooses to shut its offices down. Unfortunately not everyone can enjoy those privelges. While almost all schools have been closed for the day students at Northeastern Technical College in Cheraw, South Carolina have to attend school despite it being a national holiday. Today is a day to celebrate the life and legacy and that of a man of Greatness and Humbleness. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is known as the Father of the modern civil rights movement.Through his work and words Dr. King influenced so many people across the nation. Dr. King's works include coodorinating marches, protests, and making sure that people had what they needed to make it - food, clothing, encouraging words, and most of all a Leader!
In 1967, less than a year before his tragic assassination, Dr. King spoke at the Tenth Anniversary Convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (S. C. L. C.) addressing the audience with a speech titled" Where Do We Go From Here". In this speech, Dr. King states "This is where we are..... Where do we go from here?." He continues with advice for the people that will empower them as they strive make a difference saying " We must massively assert our dignity and worth. We must stand up admidst a system that still oppresses us and develop unassailable and majestic sense of values. We must no longer be ashamed of being black........" The quote that you have just read is more than words that were spoken to an audience of African Americans at a critical time in American history. Those same words can be empowering for people of ALL nationalities, races, creeds and ages, TODAY. The quote simply is saying that as a whole(we the people) must stand together knowing and being proud of who we are to fight(remember Dr. King's nonviolence policy!) the injustices of the system that has been set before us. Here Dr. King urged the people to assert (which means to state or express postively and to defend or maintain one's rights. Dignity is the quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect) their dignity. Although according to our founding documents we were all granted rights as citizens of the America, they were not always protected and people across the nation are still fighting for rights today. Agreeing with Dr. King, I say let us all Positively express and defend our right to be respected!. Dr. king goes on to say " Let us be dissatisfied until the tragic walls that separate the outer city of wealth and comfort and the inner city of poverty and despair shall be crushed by the battering rams of the forces of justice........ Let us be dissatisfied until the day when nobody will shout "White Power- when nobody will shout "Black Power"- but everyone will talk about God's power and human power".....These words encouraged people to end the sick racism ad discrimination not just in society but in their hearts and minds. He wanted the people to work beyond feelings and emotions and even warned them about the rough roads ahead of them by stating
"the road ahead will not be smooth........ Difficult and painful as it is, we must walk on in the days ahead with an audacious faith in the future." Audacious is defined as fearlessly; often recklessly daring; bold.As well as unrestrained by convention or propriety. Dr. King powerfully spoke these words into the lives of the many people who attended this event on the sixteenth day of August in the year 1967. What was a powerful message then, is still a powerful message NOW. If you are wondering how a speech given over fourty years ago can possibly be essential to the era we are living in now then read the words again or you may even want to read the entire speech. The message simply speaks of change and it encourages those who are agents of change to continue on fighting to get through barriers as they exhibit pride in who they are.
So as you relax during this day off of school and or work take the time to reflect on the things in your community, wherever you may be in the world and think about how you can positively make a difference in the lives of the people around you. Some of ou may already be involved in your communty- I most certainly do applaud you. Nothing is too small- Just do your best. It may be taking time out with some neighborhood children who are in need of mentoring , running errands for the elderly and disabled, reading to the blind or illiterate, or even doing some home repairs for free. Whatever you may choose to do- Do it with a great attitude!
~~Marion Wright Edelman said it best" You really can change the world, if you care enough"
~~~Peace and Love to ALL- Happy MLK Day~~~
A Special Thanks to the King Estate and Indiana University for allowing the public to view the words of the Late- Great, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, January 18, 2008

!! Making Dreamz Come True !!

I must say that Life sometimes hit you with sorrow that seems unbareable and you may feel like you will never be given a chance to stand up again and make it past the pain, but I beg the differ. Even through what we may see as tragedies there is always something working out and someone working behind the scenes on our behalf. I know that my secret helper is no secret at all..... He is the Creater Of All!!! There are many special people that I love dearly that have helped me along the way from my family, teachers, friends, coworkers, professors and other RCC faculty. I can't list them all but you will hear about them as time goes on. Making Dreams come true is not only about my own but that of others as well. The dreams of others are very essential to all that I do. If there is anyway I can help I most definietely will. I am here to display my thoughts on various issues that I believe needs to be addressed. I am passionate about the youth and the path they may take.Life is more than materialistic items but extends to the influence and change that you make while you are here that truly matters. Here with positive, motivating, and informative words I am here for you!! The people that I will be fearturing are people that share my passion and in some way, shape, or form has made an impact on my life.
Exploring the world, I am ready to make Dreamz Come True!