Saturday, September 13, 2008

Experience This Trade

One day, two years ago, I decided that it was too much to carry...It weighed too much and I refused to tote that unneccessary baggage around, that hinderance that kept me from giving Him my all. When that severe pain struck my heart like no other at that moment I knew I had to talk to that man that could give me a fair trade. Like an SUV today, It was costing me too much and it had to go!
This pain....
*Crepted in so unexpected, at the stage of innonence, and made my heart its home
*Walked with me throughout my day and slept with me at night
*Talked to me whispering words of Hatred into my ears
*Led Me into some dark places that I never imagined myself being and simply could not stay
*Held my hand as I crossed the street and did not help look both ways
*Fed me the most disgusting dishes one could prepare
*Ate with me each day never displaying table manners
*Bathed with me but was unabled to be washed away by the flowing water from the shower head
This Pain that I carried was one that was unbearable...Yet it prepared me for the greatest trade I have yet to encounter thus Far
I met a man who traded me JOY for my Pain
This Joy.....
*Was given to me therefore it can not be taken away by no one who walks the earth
*Is my new dedicated walking partner
* Speaks hope into my situation and encouraging words to my Soul
* Leads me into great places and His Presence
*Holds my hand when everything seems to be failing and when things appear to be going well
*Eats with me and has all the manners in the world even passes the salt(lol)
* Will never be cleansed from my being *Is my Strength
This Joy is that which I was given from God himself and I plan to let it stay with me until the End....The Greatest Trade Ever...Trade in Joy for Your Pain....Be Blesses and Stay With God

Celebrating Life on 911

While this is a day that we all take to remember the lives that were all affect by the World Trade Bombings 7 years ago, this day has been a cherished day before the Attacks took place. My Great Grandmother better known as Nana has celebrated her 102 years of life this year, and my God is she blessed. She is not criple, blind, or unable to do for herself. The 1925 Fayetteville State Graduate now resides in South Carolina with her granddaughter, Sunday Frank(my mom) and is sharp as ever. Nana holds her tongue for no one and has to know what is going on at all times(nosey) While speaking to her on the phone she expressed how much she missed me and was of course wondering if I was okay away at school. She misses me but when I'm there she tells me-LOL....She's a piece of work. But on the serious side, she has lived through many significant eras of this world that she rarely speaks of but I think she has her own personal reasons why.
I Will Forever Love and Cherish, Rev. Dr. Dorothy Roper- My Nana--Happy Birthday!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

CFO: The Believer's Lounge Is Right On Point

Last Night(Monday) was my first night attending The Believer's Lounge hosted buy non other than The Christian Fellowship Organization better known as CFO here at the Aug. We started off by attempting to play what was intended to be an ice breaker, A game called "Big Booty" and No in no way was it provocative and or degrading. But anyway with the official opening, prayer was led by an Alumnus Omar Wiggan, the program's Prayer Coordinator, and the session began. Viewing an interesting film Why God Made Me...opened the door for Regional Coordinator for Black Campus Ministries, Mr. Fred Williams, to begin the discussion, "Real Talk: Discussion About Real Pressures that College Students Face"...Would love to tell you more but then you won't come out. But ill give you a brief schedule of some of the general activities that CFO does and come and will make a difference.
Every Monday 7:30pm-9:00 pm- Believer's Lounge Goold Hall Room 202
Every Wednesday- Noon Day Prayer held in the Chapel
The President, Gisel will be willing to help those who are in need of finding a church home of finding the one most suitable for you There are also vacant positions waiting for a dedicated and humble worker to do the job
....Come out, Fellowship, and Be Blessed....Can't Wait To See Ya There
Always Remember CFO's Vision Statement:
Don't Settle....Transform Your Life, Renew Your Campus, Change your World!! Romans 12: 1-2