Saturday, September 13, 2008

Experience This Trade

One day, two years ago, I decided that it was too much to carry...It weighed too much and I refused to tote that unneccessary baggage around, that hinderance that kept me from giving Him my all. When that severe pain struck my heart like no other at that moment I knew I had to talk to that man that could give me a fair trade. Like an SUV today, It was costing me too much and it had to go!
This pain....
*Crepted in so unexpected, at the stage of innonence, and made my heart its home
*Walked with me throughout my day and slept with me at night
*Talked to me whispering words of Hatred into my ears
*Led Me into some dark places that I never imagined myself being and simply could not stay
*Held my hand as I crossed the street and did not help look both ways
*Fed me the most disgusting dishes one could prepare
*Ate with me each day never displaying table manners
*Bathed with me but was unabled to be washed away by the flowing water from the shower head
This Pain that I carried was one that was unbearable...Yet it prepared me for the greatest trade I have yet to encounter thus Far
I met a man who traded me JOY for my Pain
This Joy.....
*Was given to me therefore it can not be taken away by no one who walks the earth
*Is my new dedicated walking partner
* Speaks hope into my situation and encouraging words to my Soul
* Leads me into great places and His Presence
*Holds my hand when everything seems to be failing and when things appear to be going well
*Eats with me and has all the manners in the world even passes the salt(lol)
* Will never be cleansed from my being *Is my Strength
This Joy is that which I was given from God himself and I plan to let it stay with me until the End....The Greatest Trade Ever...Trade in Joy for Your Pain....Be Blesses and Stay With God

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