Thursday, July 24, 2008

Frustration, Frustration, and More Frustration....(TGIO)Thank God It's Over

The day I left home to embark upon a new life and to continue my college career wasn't so bad... The next day though was a completely different story. I put in eight hours...just like most professionals do on their jobs. By no means was it fun at all. Going from one line to the next and having to stand in the same line three times was Riduculous and Out Of Control! First to Financial Aid, then to the registration process. Lines were from one building to the next and it was dumb hot outside or blazing hot. People tryna hold a spot for their friends and hommies tryna jump the line....Then getting in the building eventually sitting in a row of seats as you slid down when someone was assisted. Man, if I would have slid down one more time, I would have been on the floor....... the lack of staff and information was driving everyone CRAZY!!! The Aug has got to step their game up a notch for the upcoming semester... Being on list 5 in the financial Aid Office when at 12pm they are only on list 2 is not so comforting but some have no choice unless they camped out in front of Delany the night before waiting to be the first on the list.Boy oh boy I know I wasn't the only one who was frustrated but THANK GOD ITS OVER!!!!!!!

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